Monday, July 16, 2012

Quick Post with Update

It has been ages since I last posted anything on this blog, so in proper fashion of a true procrastinater, I will start off by saying I hold no regrets. Recently I have been writing for Tech Republic and will be coming back to Blogger to continue my writing, this time on a new blog that I will be starting. Tech Republic started a desire in me for more of that type of writing and feedback, so I'll begin into that type of thing now. More shall be posted as time continues on. Hopefully, my edits will be better, too.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Laptops and Pieces

Okay, I admit it, I have a problem. Accepting it is the first step I hear. This conclusion was brought up after taking apart my laptop completely, almost entirely because it needed to be repaired. Fortunately, there weren't too many pieces leftover and it still works. Maybe the problem isn't that big.

Laptops and pieces

Okay, I admit it,

Friday, November 6, 2009


That's right, after years of protest I finally got an iPhone. Of course, I immediately did the only thing I know what to do with things like these. That's right... Enjoy!


That's right, after years of protest I finally got an iPhone. Of course, I immediately did the only thing I know what to do with things like these. That's right... Enjoy!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What's that widget?

That's right, you're reading this correctly. That's my Ubuntu countdown marker. While the rest of the population eagerly installs their Windows 7, I'm still awaiting the latest version of Ubuntu. After all the Windows 7 parties takes place, I'll be having my own Ubuntu launch party. Windows 7 parties will be giving away favors and trinkets, I'll be giving away actual Ubuntu Installation Disks. Windows 7 will be charging far more than nothing for their installation disks, Ubuntu comes with no hidden costs or fees. I hope to be getting together my little party, complete with Ubuntu sugar cookies, balloons and best of all, each person can walk away with their own legal version of the OS in hand to try for themselves. I believe this will now classify me as a total geek. Should be fun.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fun at Bear Lake

Holy cow what a week!  Things were filled to the brim with tests, assignments, vacations and camping.  First let me say that another semester is behind us, congratulations to everyone that did a summer semester, there's another one behind you bringing graaduation all that more closer.  For a celebration oiur little family joined the rest of my family up at Bear Lake for the annual camping trip.  The weather was a might bit coller than we expected so the nights were drawn out with cold kids that had rolled out of their sleeping bags and blankets.  We may need to find other ways to keep us warm at night since both nights we ended up with a child in our mummy bags.  It was fun none the less, thanks to all the family that joined us up there, here's looking forward to another fun trip.  Outside of that, here's but one picture to show the fun, Grandpa and my wife entertaining Sam, spoiled kid.  Since the rest of the pictures are on the actual camera card, that's all you'll see until next time.  Until then, enjoy yourselves!